The Hidden Archipelago (2024)

in:Main Quests, Quests, Doomsday

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  • 1 Steps
    • 1.1 Nona
    • 1.2 Decima
    • 1.3 Morta
  • 2 Map

The Hidden Archipelago is the Main Quest of the Doomsday DLC.


  1. Rest at a campfire to receive this quest.
  2. Locate Drone at a link tower.
  3. Use the drone at Hedgefield 1381º, 749º to travel to the new map.


  1. Rest at the Collingwood Campfire at Nona 151º, 230º.
  2. Rotate the circuit tile at Nona 244º, 161º twice to provide power to the nearby terminal.
  3. Activate the terminal at 243º, 144º to raise the bridge.
  4. Obtain Gold Bars from the crates at 273º, 90º.
  5. Head to the fabricator at 208º, 123º and craft the Beam Gun.
  6. Use the Beam Gun to shoot the targets at 194º, 116º.
  7. Take the stairs at 254º, 89º and use the Beam Gun to power up the node at 249º, 79º to open the gate on the lower level.
  8. Walk up the stairs at 264º, 67º and shoot the target across the room at 274º, 72º with the Beam Gun to open the next gate.
  9. Solve the circuit puzzle at 317º, 108º.
  10. Activate the terminal at 276º, 136º to access the boss room.
  11. Defeat Computer Assisted Targeting System at 271º, 123º.
  12. Pick up the Blue Keycard at 295º, 123º.
  13. Use the keycard on the terminal at 298º, 162º to lower the gate.


  1. Try to listen for a transmission at the Link Tower at North Decima 443º, 277º.
  2. Navigate through the Guest Lobby at 456º, 295º to the Pipeworks at 444º, 313º. Break through the railing to cross the girders.
  3. Power up the circuit puzzle in the Holding Pens at 419º, 285º, then route the power through the nodes to open the nearby gate at 424º, 280º.
  4. Cross the bridge at 413º, 274º, then head south.
  5. Use the terminal at 413º, 255º to lower the gate to the Botanical Laboratory.
  6. Cross the bridge at 437º, 229º.
  7. Head to the terminal at 456º, 259º and align the dishes. Be sure to also open the nearby gate.
  8. Return to the link tower at 443º, 277º, then listen to the transmission.
  9. The path to the boss area is also a bit of a maze. First, travel through the gate at 457º, 259º.
  10. Go down the stairs in the Maintenance Section at 481º, 255º and turn to the right.
  11. Continue northeast to the terminal at 503º, 225º. Activate it to lower the gate to the boss room.
  12. Defeat Doomhive Prime at 513º, 244º. Activate the power source behind Doomhive Prime with the Beam Gun.
  13. Head up the stairs to the Morgue at 543º, 249º, then walk towards the bridge at 513º, 266º.
  14. Use the levers to redirect the beam and hit both targets across from 521º, 289º. This raises the bridge to cross the gap.
  15. Use the terminal at 542º, 278º to lower the gate. Exit to the right and walk down the bridge.
  16. Walk to the end of the broken bridge at 594º, 273º and pick up the Yellow Keycard.
  17. Use the terminal at 534º, 292º to raise the bridge.
  18. Navigate southeast through the Ancient Tomb Excavation to the drone. Either head to the campfire at 555º, 333º, or stick to the outskirts of the area around 545º, 360º.
  19. Get on the drone at 622º, 333º.


  1. Disembark from the drone at 633º, 119º.
  2. Head southeast through town to enter the Morta Complex at 688º, 192º.
  3. Solve the circuit puzzle at 724º, 208º, which opens the gate to the Logistical Crane. Cross the crane bridge at 687º, 207º heading south.
  4. Pass through the Morta Electrical Substation at 659º, 243º to reach the link tower at 683º, 258º.
  5. Head south to the Executive Suite via the stairs at 703º, 297º. Pick up the Red Keycard inside at 719º, 318º.
  6. Go back towards the Mort Link Tower. Use the terminal at 697º, 224º to enter the Power Generation Subcomplex.
  7. Cross the walkway at 711º, 227º.
  8. Go northeast to the Morta Complex Main Generator at around 765º, 219º.
  9. Continue northeast to the Temporal Research Laboratory at 810º, 175º.
  10. Solve several circuit puzzles to open the doors throughout the area:
    • Stand at 808º, 146º and use the reflective panel to hit the target behind the wall.
    • Stand at 793º, 157º to hit the lowered target.
    • Stand at 780º, 165º to hit the target through the slats. Reroute power to lower the gate directly behind you.
  11. Search the lockers at 785º, 178º for the Gantry Bridge Key.
  12. Return to the link tower area. Use the Gantry Bridge Key on the terminal at 708º, 243º and the Red Keycard on the terminal at 708º, 257º.
  13. Defeat the Mass Production Models at 723º, 250º.
  14. Head south, then east to the Mana missile at 830º, 244º. Destroy the four pipes on its sides.
  15. Destroy the warhead at the tip of the missile.
  16. Use the girders starting at 819º, 248º to descend the structure.
  17. Cross the bridge at 838º, 278º to complete the quest.


  • Nona

  • Decima

  • Morta

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The Hidden Archipelago (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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