Millions, Billions and Other Large Numbers (2024)

In the modern world, we regularly encounter the words million and billion, and businesses, governments, astronomers and journalists often think in the millions, billions or even trillions. However, the word million has been around in English only since the late fourteenth century. The word billion was not introduced in the French language until the fifteenth century and didn’t find its way into English until the end of the seventeenth century, which is fairly late in the history of counting. What words were used before this time to talk about large numbers? This article looks at how we started using million and billion and how the meaning of billion has changed.

Before the Words Million and Billion

In fact, the largest number with a single-word name in ancient Greek was 10,000. It was called murios and borrowed into Late Latin as myrias. From myrias we get the English word myriad meaning “an extremely large number or amount”. The ancients also had the “myriad myriad” (10,000 × 10,000) or one hundred million. Larger numbers were described in more roundabout ways or by using mathematical notation; indeed, one million is expressed in Latin as decies centena milia or 10 × 100 × 1,000, and Archimedes (3rd century BCE) had to establish his own system of mathematical notation in order to systematically express numbers larger than the “myriad”. He explains this system in The Sand Reckoner, a treatise that sets out to quantify all the grains of sand in the universe in order to challenge the idea that such a quantity was too large to be counted.

What Exactly Is a Billion?

For those who were taught numbers before the 1970s, the answer to this question may well have been different depending on where you received your schooling. While it is accepted in English today that one billion equals 109, it is important to be aware, especially when reading older texts, that in the United Kingdom billion hasn’t always meant 109. Until the 1970s, when the United Kingdom officially adopted the American definition of billion, this word represented 1012 in British English.

This difference resulted from the emergence of two competing systems for naming large numbers. A fifteenth-century mathematician, Nicolas Chuquet, established one system by combining Latin numerical prefixes (bi-, tri-, etc.) with the suffix -illion to form powers of one million. In this system, a billion equals one million times one million (or one million squared, 1012) and a trillion equals one million cubed (1018). This is known as the long scale, which was used in the United Kingdom until they followed the United States in 1974 by officially adopting the short scale, a system born in France in the seventeenth century and popular in the French-speaking world until midway through the nineteenth century. The short scale uses the same names (billion, trillion, quadrillion, etc.) but assigns different values to them, with one billion equalling a thousand million, one trillion equalling a thousand billion, and so forth, the logic being that the prefix attached to -illion represents n in the formula 103(n+1). For example, quadrillion, with the prefix quadri- meaning “four” is equal to 103(4+1) or more simply 1015. The short scale is used today throughout the English-speaking world, whereas the French language has settled on the long scale, so that an English billion is translated in French as un milliard and a French billion (also called mille milliards or “one thousand milliards” in English) is translated in English as a trillion.The differences between the long scale and the short scale are summarized in this table:

NumberShort ScaleLong ScaleSI* PrefixSI Symbol
106one millionone millionmega-M
109one billionone thousand million or a milliardgiga-G
1012one trillionone billiontera-T
1015one quadrillionone thousand billionpeta-P
1018one quintillionone trillionexa-E
1021one sextillionone thousand trillionzetta-Z
1024one septillionone quadrillionyotta-Y
1027one octillionone thousand quadrillion
1030one nonillionone quintillion

* SI refers to the International System (of Units), a system of measurement widely used in science and international trade.

Abbreviated Forms

People often wonder if there is a correct or best way to abbreviate million and billion when writing about figures.

The most commonly seen short forms for thousand, million, billion and trillion in North America and the United Kingdom, respectively, are outlined in the table below.

NumberNorth AmericaUnited KingdomRarer Forms
thousandKk or Kthsnd(.), M
millionMmmil(.), mill(.), mln(.), MM
billionBbnbil(.), bill(.), bln(.)
trillionTtntril(.), trill(.), trn(.), tln(.)

Notice that M appears twice in the table above, to represent both thousand and million. Some (especially older) finance texts use M for thousand and MM for million, which can be a source of confusion as M is now widely used to denote million in North America.

Of the style guides that address spacing in this context, most (AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, Canadian Style, The Economist Style Guide) say to leave no space (100bn, for example), although it is also common in books and newspaper articles to see the abbreviation preceded by a space.

Since there is no universally accepted way of abbreviating these words, the best practice is to be consistent with whatever system of short forms you choose and to ensure that the meanings of your chosen short forms are clear to your audience—for example by establishing at some point in the text that M stands for million, and so forth. Most style guides agree that it is best to spell out these words in full where possible, and to use the abbreviations where spacing is limited (e.g. in headlines and tables) or when figures are repeated often. The Guardian and The Telegraph spell out thousand, million, etc. in full when referring to people and animals and use the abbreviated forms only when discussing inanimate objects or in financial contexts. Scientific texts, on the other hand, avoid appellations like million, billion and trillion and instead use scientific notation when writing about very large and very small numbers. Scientific notation represents numbers in powers of ten, so that 650billion can be written as 650 × 109 or as 6.50 × 1011.

Millions, Billions and Other Large Numbers (1)

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Millions, Billions and Other Large Numbers (2024)


What are millions billions and other large numbers? ›

We call 1,000,000 a million, 1,000,000,000 a billion, 1,000,000,000,000 a trillion, 1,000,000,000,000,000 a quadrillion, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 a quintillion, and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 a sextillion.

Is gazillion a real number? ›

Actually, it's not a number at all! 'Gazillion' is a word that is used to describe a large amount of something, such as 'There were a gazillion ants on the ice-cream cone I dropped. ' It does not refer to a particular number, but is only used as an adjective to describe a huge group.

What are the very large numbers? ›

It starts with quadrillions, quintillions, sextillions and so on. A quadrillion (the US version) has 15 zeroes, a quintillion has 18, and a sextillion has 21. These numbers are enormous.

What are the names of the large numbers in order? ›

Names for large numbers include million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, and nonillion, in that order. Each period is 1,000 times larger than the previous group.

How many zeros are in a gazillion? ›

A guy named greg actually provides a definition for a gazillion. He claims that "gaz" is actually latin for earthly edge. Assuming this to mean the earths circumference in greek miles, which he claims to be 28,810, he defines a gazillion as 1 followed by 28,810 sets of zeroes.

Is a zillion a true number? ›

'Zillion' is not a real number. It's not actually the name of a number at all. People may say they have a 'zillion' things, but they are using this as a made-up adjective that means 'a huge amount. ' In mathematics, there is no number called a 'zillion.

What is the biggest number in the world? ›

A Googolplex is often regarded as the largest number in the world. It is represented as 10googol. This number can also be expressed in exponential notation as 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 100, written as 10^(10^[100]).

What is gazzillion? ›

a very large, but not an exact, number: If you look online, you'll find a gazillion recipes for chicken. He has sold a gazillion records and won enough awards to fill a museum.

How big is Graham's number? ›

That gives rise to the number 7,625,597,484,987, or about 7.6 trillion. Wow, quite a bit! This is now the time where we can introduce a number which breaks everything we've seen so far, by a lot, and which is very famous both in mathematics and in many recreational circles of mathematicians who delight in such games.

What is the largest number in the universe? ›

The biggest number with a name is a "googolplex," which is the number 1 followed by a googol zeroes.

What comes after infinity? ›

Mathematically, if we see infinity is the unimaginable end of the number line. As no number is imagined beyond it(no real number is larger than infinity). The symbol (∞) sets the limit or unboundedness in calculus. But in cardinal and ordinal numbers there are other bigger infinities which are surreal numbers.

What are large numbers in real life? ›

Examples of large numbers describing everyday real-world objects include:
  • The number of cells in the human body (estimated at 3.72 × 1013), or 37.2 trillion.
  • The number of bits on a computer hard disk (as of 2024, typically about 1013, 1–2 TB), or 10 trillion.

Which is the last number? ›

While there is no final number or last number, there are still some extremely large numbers out there. Despite the infinite nature of numbers, mathematicians have identified many exceptionally large values and numbers. For example, a googol is a name for the value that starts with 1 and followed by 100 zeroes.

How much is a tretrigintillion? ›

A unit of quantity equal to 10102 (1 followed by 102 zeros).

How much is a zillion number? ›

Zillion sounds like an actual number because of its similarity to billion, million, and trillion, and it is modeled on these real numerical values. However, like its cousin jillion, zillion is an informal way to talk about a number that's enormous but indefinite.

What is the highest illion? ›

The largest canon -illion found in most dictionaries is vigintillion (1063 short scale or 10120 long scale), aside from a centillion(10303 or 10600) which is an outlier, but it is common to have illions higher than centillion, up until the multillion which is the largest Bowers illion.

What is the largest named number? ›

The thing is, infinity is not a number, but a concept or idea. A "googol" is the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes. The biggest number with a name is a "googolplex," which is the number 1 followed by a googol zeroes.

How much is a sextillion? ›

noun. , plural sex·til·lions, (as after a numeral) sex·til·lion. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 21 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 36 zeros.

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